Hybrid Bearing > PRODUCT

  • Head Quarters
    122, Jomaru-ro 385beon-gil, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea (Sambo Techno Tower #1014, 1015, 1016, and B118)
  • Overseas Corp.
    上海编倍国际贸易有限公司 / RM 607, Haiqi Bldg., #6818-10,
    ZhongChun Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China

Bearing.Ceramic Bearing Hybrid Bearing

Metal, plastic, and ceramic can be mixed to design and manufacture bearings customized for the hot environment, corrosion and wear resistance, allowed load, and rpm.
It can cover the disadvantages of ceramic and metal bearings and is customizable for working environments to guarantee high service life.


Hybrid Bearing Components
Inner/Outer ring Ball CAGE Working Temperature (°C) Corrosion Resistance Applications
SUJ2 ZrO2 / Si3N4 PA66 / UPE / PP 80 POOR Semiconductor equipment

LCD equipment

Food equipment

Plating facility

Chemical Facilities

Medical facilities
SUJ2 Si3N4 PTFE / SUJ2 / SUS304 / PEEK 200 POOR
SUS440C Zr02 / Si3N4 PA66 / UPE / PP 80 FAIR
SUS440C Si3N4 PTFE / SUS304 / PEEK 200 FAIR
SUS304 Zr02 / Si3N4 PA66 / UPE / PP 80 GOOD
SUS304 Si3N4 PTFE / SUS304 / PEEK 200 GOOD
SUS316 Si3N4 PTFE / PA66 / U PE / PP / SUJ2 / SUS304 / PEEK 80 ~ 300 Excellent
SUS316 Si3N4 PTFE / PA66 / U PE / PP / SUJ2 / SUS304 / PEEK 80 ~ 300 Excellent
SU5316 Zr02 PTFE / PA66 / U PE / PP / SUJ2 / SUS304 / PEEK 80 ~ 300 Excellent

Ceramic / Metal physical properties
Silicon Nitride
Silicon Carbide
SUS 440C SUS 316 Bearing Steel
Demsity g / ㎤ 3.26 3.2 6.05 7.8 7.98 7.8
Hardness kg / ㎟ 1,600 2,800 1,250 230 160 700 ~ 800
Toughness MN / m 6.0 2.5 7.0 - - 50 ~ 60
Bending Strength kg / ㎟ 100 50 120 - 24 -
Young's Modulus 106kg / ㎟ 3.2 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1
Specific Heat ㎈ / g℃ 0.19 0.16 - 0.11 0.11 0.11
Thermal Expansion coeff x10-6 / ㎟ 3.5 4.2 9.0 10.1 10.5 10.9
Heat Shock Resistance △T,oC 900 400 280 - -
Themal Conductivety w / mK 29 120 3.0 - -
Fatigue life 100X 50X 80X 0.5X 1X 0.1X
Application Temperature 1,200 1,500 800 260 260 180
Corrosion Resistance Hydrochloric acid Good Good Excellent Fair Fair Poor
Nitric acid Good Good Excellent Fair Fair Poor
Sulphuric acid Good Good Excellent Fair Fair Poor
Phosphoric acid Good Good Excellent Fair Fair Poor
Hydrofluoric acid Good Good Excellent Fair Fair Poor
Sodium hyroxide Good Good Good Fair Fair Poor
Salt water Excellent Excellent Excellent Fair Fair Poor
Magnetism Non-Magnet1sum Weak-Magnet1sum Strong­Magnetisum
Conductivity/Insulation Insulator Conductivity